
Continuously protect against multifaceted threats

No individual or organization, either in the private or public sector, is immune against the multifaceted threats that the maritime arena faces.

MOMPS R&D staff hopes to stem the tide of this continuously evolving problem.  Through research, development, testing and evaluation we are able to evaluate existing technologies and how they may apply to maritime as well as creating new tools, technologies, and processes to generate the greatest potential and strategically transform security and asset protection regime.

Much like the USCG process, our R&D always factors in the following:

  • Human factors
  • Weather and sea condition elements
  • Requirements generation and pre-acquisition technical development
  • Feasibility and affordability of new technologies
  • Research, development, testing, and evaluation of new technologies
  • Risk-management analysis at all stages of the acquisition process
  • Technical analysis and operational modeling 

Our R&D department has effectively developed and tested many different technologies including vessel tracking capabilities, covert applications, satellite balloon technologies, AUV platforms for anti-piracy and marine sanctuaries, defense against small boat threats, non-lethal devices, and force protection equipment solely for maritime and intrinsically safe environments.

If you have a concept, problem, or study that needs to be conducted, contact our R&D department at

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