Daily Update

Miami, FL

July 30, 2024


Maximum Depths - (Salt)
Harbor entrance - 44.0 ft
Turning basin – 44.0 ft
Current maximum drafts allowed at Oil berths:  
FISHER ISLAND – (25-45’48”N / 80-08’38’W)
MAX LOA             – 750’
MAX BEAM         - 106’
MAX BCM            - 400’
MAX DRAFT        - 34’06”
MAX M.DEPTH  - 68’06”
Loading arm extension – 50’ Maximum – this cannot be exceeded at anytime during the vessel’s call at the berth.
Terminal has 1x12” connect – for crew to connect to vessel’s manifold
*  Notes regarding Moulded Depth Restriction;
    If a vessel's moulded depth falls between 66.5 feet (66 feet, 6 inches) and the maximum of 68.5 feet (68 feet, 6 inches), then the following four (4) criteria must be met:
          1) DRAFT;  vessel to maintain a draft of no less than 20 feet (6.096 meters) at all times during the vessel's call at the TPSI Fisher Island berth.
          2) WIND SPEED; cargo operations will be halted and vessel required to vacate the berth if maintained wind speed reaches or exceeds 40 knots.
          3) MOORING LINES; a minimum of fifteen (15) mooring lines will be required to be deployed by vessel.
          4) ASSIST TUG; if an Atlantic class vessel with an LOA meeting or exceeding 965 feet is passing, then an assist tug will be required to stand by with the vessel on the TPSI Fisher Island berth.
96 Hours - advance notice of arrival required by USCG
24 Hours - advance receipt of crew list by Immigration for any vessel arriving from a foreign port, or arriving coast wise with detained crew.
24 Hours (minimum) - Foreign cargo must have manifest submitted to Customs & Border Patrol AMS.
24 Hours - advance fax of crew list and approved visitors required by Terminal and Ferry service.
Hurricane Alert:  4/SEASONAL –  800 AM EDT Tue Jul 30 2024
For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:
1. Near the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas:
A large tropical wave centered several hundred miles east of the Lesser Antilles is producing limited shower activity due to environmental dry air.  Conditions are forecast to become a little more conducive for development over the warmer waters of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, and a tropical depression could form late this week while the system is in the vicinity of the Greater Antilles or the Bahamas.  Interests in the Greater Antilles, the Bahamas, and the southeastern U.S. should monitor the progress of this system.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...near 0 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...medium...60 percent.
Maritime Security:           MARSEC 1

Tides / Currents

Day        High      Tide  Height   Sunrise    Moon  Time      % Moon
           /Low      Time    Feet    Sunset                    Visible
JULY 2024
Tu  30     High   4:20 AM     2.6   6:46 AM    Rise  2:03 AM      32
    30      Low  10:49 AM     0.0   8:07 PM     Set  4:24 PM
    30     High   5:21 PM     2.7
    30      Low  11:24 PM     0.7
W   31     High   5:24 AM     2.6   6:47 AM    Rise  2:54 AM      22
    31      Low  11:48 AM     0.0   8:07 PM     Set  5:26 PM
    31     High   6:22 PM     2.8
Th   1      Low  12:22 AM     0.7   6:47 AM    Rise  3:50 AM      14
     1     High   6:25 AM     2.6   8:06 PM     Set  6:23 PM
     1      Low  12:43 PM     0.0
     1     High   7:17 PM     2.8
F    2      Low   1:15 AM     0.6   6:48 AM    Rise  4:49 AM      7
     2     High   7:20 AM     2.7   8:06 PM     Set  7:13 PM
     2      Low   1:34 PM     0.0
     2     High   8:06 PM     2.8
Sa   3      Low   2:04 AM     0.6   6:48 AM    Rise  5:49 AM      3
     3     High   8:10 AM     2.7   8:05 PM     Set  7:57 PM
     3      Low   2:22 PM     0.1
     3     High   8:49 PM     2.9
Su   4      Low   2:49 AM     0.5   6:49 AM    Rise  6:49 AM      0
     4     High   8:55 AM     2.7   8:04 PM     Set  8:34 PM
     4      Low   3:05 PM     0.1
     4     High   9:28 PM     2.9
M    5      Low   3:31 AM     0.5   6:49 AM    Rise  7:45 AM      0
     5     High   9:36 AM     2.8   8:04 PM     Set  9:07 PM
     5      Low   3:46 PM     0.1
     5     High  10:05 PM     2.9
Tu   6      Low   4:11 AM     0.5   6:50 AM    Rise  8:39 AM      1
     6     High  10:16 AM     2.8   8:03 PM     Set  9:37 PM
     6      Low   4:26 PM     0.2
     6     High  10:39 PM     2.8
W    7      Low   4:49 AM     0.5   6:50 AM    Rise  9:31 AM      4
     7     High  10:54 AM     2.7   8:02 PM     Set 10:05 PM
     7      Low   5:03 PM     0.3
     7     High  11:13 PM     2.8
Th   8      Low   5:26 AM     0.5   6:51 AM    Rise 10:21 AM      9
     8     High  11:33 AM     2.7   8:01 PM     Set 10:32 PM
     8      Low   5:41 PM     0.6
     8     High  11:47 PM     2.7
F    9      Low   6:02 AM     0.5   6:51 AM    Rise 11:12 AM      16
     9     High  12:13 PM     2.6   8:01 PM     Set 11:00 PM
     9      Low   6:19 PM     0.7
Sa  10     High  12:22 AM     2.6   6:52 AM    Rise 12:03 PM      23
    10      Low   6:40 AM     0.6   8:00 PM     Set 11:29 PM
    10     High  12:54 PM     2.6
    10      Low   6:59 PM     0.8
Su  11     High  12:59 AM     2.5   6:52 AM    Rise 12:56 PM      32
    11      Low   7:21 AM     0.6   7:59 PM
    11     High   1:40 PM     2.5
    11      Low   7:44 PM     0.9
M   12     High   1:41 AM     2.5   6:53 AM     Set 12:02 AM      41
    12      Low   8:09 AM     0.6   7:58 PM    Rise  1:52 PM
    12     High   2:32 PM     2.5
    12      Low   8:38 PM     1.0
Tu  13     High   2:29 AM     2.4   6:53 AM     Set 12:39 AM      51
    13      Low   9:04 AM     0.6   7:57 PM    Rise  2:50 PM
    13     High   3:32 PM     2.5
    13      Low   9:39 PM     1.1
W   14     High   3:27 AM     2.4   6:54 AM     Set  1:23 AM      60
    14      Low  10:05 AM     0.6   7:57 PM    Rise  3:50 PM
    14     High   4:37 PM     2.5
    14      Low  10:41 PM     1.0
Th  15     High   4:33 AM     2.4   6:54 AM     Set  2:14 AM      70
    15      Low  11:05 AM     0.5   7:56 PM    Rise  4:51 PM
    15     High   5:40 PM     2.6
    15      Low  11:41 PM     0.9
F   16     High   5:39 AM     2.6   6:54 AM     Set  3:13 AM      79
    16      Low  12:03 PM     0.3   7:55 PM    Rise  5:48 PM
    16     High   6:37 PM     2.8
Sa  17      Low  12:36 AM     0.8   6:55 AM     Set  4:18 AM      87
    17     High   6:40 AM     2.7   7:54 PM    Rise  6:41 PM
    17      Low  12:56 PM     0.1
    17     High   7:29 PM     3.0
Su  18      Low   1:27 AM     0.6   6:55 AM     Set  5:26 AM      94
    18     High   7:36 AM     2.9   7:53 PM    Rise  7:28 PM
    18      Low   1:48 PM     0.0
    18     High   8:17 PM     3.1
M   19      Low   2:16 AM     0.3   6:56 AM     Set  6:35 AM      98
    19     High   8:29 AM     3.1   7:52 PM    Rise  8:10 PM
    19      Low   2:38 PM    -0.1
    19     High   9:03 PM     3.3
Tu  20      Low   3:04 AM     0.1   6:56 AM     Set  7:44 AM      99
    20     High   9:21 AM     3.3   7:51 PM    Rise  8:48 PM
    20      Low   3:27 PM    -0.1
    20     High   9:49 PM     3.3
W   21      Low   3:52 AM     0.0   6:57 AM     Set  8:50 AM      98
    21     High  10:12 AM     3.4   7:50 PM    Rise  9:25 PM
    21      Low   4:16 PM     0.0
    21     High  10:34 PM     3.4
Th  22      Low   4:41 AM    -0.1   6:57 AM     Set  9:55 AM      94
    22     High  11:03 AM     3.4   7:49 PM    Rise 10:00 PM
    22      Low   5:07 PM     0.1
    22     High  11:20 PM     3.3
F   23      Low   5:31 AM    -0.1   6:58 AM     Set 11:00 AM      87
    23     High  11:55 AM     3.3   7:48 PM    Rise 10:37 PM
    23      Low   5:59 PM     0.3
Sa  24     High  12:08 AM     3.2   6:58 AM     Set 12:06 PM      78
    24      Low   6:24 AM     0.0   7:47 PM    Rise 11:17 PM
    24     High  12:49 PM     3.2
    24      Low   6:54 PM     0.6
Su  25     High  12:59 AM     3.1   6:58 AM     Set  1:12 PM      68
    25      Low   7:21 AM     0.1   7:46 PM
    25     High   1:47 PM     3.1
    25      Low   7:54 PM     0.7
M   26     High   1:55 AM     2.9   6:59 AM    Rise 12:01 AM      57
    26      Low   8:23 AM     0.2   7:45 PM     Set  2:18 PM
    26     High   2:50 PM     3.0
    26      Low   8:59 PM     0.9
Tu  27     High   2:57 AM     2.8   6:59 AM    Rise 12:50 AM      46
    27      Low   9:28 AM     0.3   7:44 PM     Set  3:21 PM
    27     High   3:57 PM     2.9
    27      Low  10:06 PM     1.0
W   28     High   4:04 AM     2.7   7:00 AM    Rise  1:44 AM      35
    28      Low  10:34 AM     0.5   7:43 PM     Set  4:19 PM
    28     High   5:05 PM     2.8
    28      Low  11:10 PM     1.0
Th  29     High   5:12 AM     2.7   7:00 AM    Rise  2:43 AM      25
    29      Low  11:35 AM     0.5   7:42 PM     Set  5:11 PM
    29     High   6:06 PM     2.9
F   30      Low  12:09 AM     0.9   7:00 AM    Rise  3:42 AM      17
    30     High   6:13 AM     2.8   7:41 PM     Set  5:56 PM
    30      Low  12:31 PM     0.5
    30     High   6:59 PM     2.9
Sa  31      Low   1:00 AM     0.9   7:01 AM    Rise  4:41 AM      10
    31     High   7:06 AM     2.9   7:40 PM     Set  6:35 PM
    31      Low   1:20 PM     0.5
    31     High   7:43 PM     3.0

Weather / Marine Zone Forecast

MARINE WEATHER:   Hazardous Weather Conditions
Hazardous Weather Outlook
Last Update: 1001 AM EDT Tue Jul 30 2024
View Nearby Observations
39NM E Soldier Key FL
Marine Zone Forecast
Rest Of TodayS SE winds 5 to 10 kt. Seas 2 ft or less. Wave detail: SE 1 foot at 3 seconds and N 1 foot at 6 seconds. Intracoastal waters a light chop. A chance of showers and tstms, mainly in the morning.
TonightSE winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas 2 ft or less. Wave detail: SE 2 ft at 4 seconds and N 1 foot at 6 seconds. Intracoastal waters a moderate chop. A slight chance of showers and tstms after midnight.
WedE SE winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas around 2 ft. Wave detail: E SE 2 ft at 4 seconds and N 1 foot at 6 seconds. Intracoastal waters a moderate chop. A slight chance of showers and tstms in the morning.
Wed NightE SE winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas around 2 ft. Wave detail: E 2 ft at 4 seconds. Intracoastal waters a moderate chop. A slight chance of showers and tstms after midnight.
Thu And Thu NightE winds 10 to 15 kt with gusts to around 20 kt. Seas 2 to 3 ft. Wave detail: E 2 ft at 4 seconds. Intracoastal waters a moderate chop. A slight chance of showers and tstms in the morning. A slight chance of showers and tstms after midnight.
FriE NE winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas around 2 ft. Wave detail: E NE 2 ft at 4 seconds. Intracoastal waters a moderate chop. A chance of showers and tstms.
Fri Night And SatE SE winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas 2 ft or less. Intracoastal waters a moderate chop. A chance of showers and tstms. 

Disclaimer: For quality assurance purposes please note well that while the information contained in this website is regularly vetted for accuracy it is not intended to replace the local knowledge or expertise pertaining to port conditions of our marine operations personnel.

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