The last of Tropical Storm Francine vacates the Gulf this morning. Conditions in the vicinity of the Mississippi Delta will likely remain a bit higher through this afternoon, with gales tapering off this morning, and fresh winds tapering by the end of the day. Lingering rough seas in these areas should diminish by late morning, becoming moderate through the rest of the day. By tonight, mostly moderate Winds and seas prevail into Friday. Weak high pressure then overtakes the Gulf for Friday. Moderate to near-fresh winds are still
possible in the eastern Gulf, but most areas should see much weaker flow and lower seas through the day.
Houston - Daily Port Update
Current Status: OPEN
USCG Sector Houston will no longer accept COC exam requests seeking a date more than 10 calendar days in advance. Additionally, SHG will normally not accept new requests made less than 24 hours advance.
CBP Houston does not permit off-signers to stay in hotel to await their flights home. They must go direct for vessel to IAH for their flights.
Valid C1-D USA visa is required for all off-signers by CBP Houston, on very rare occasions will exception be made by CBP Houston.
Galveston/Texas City Port Information
Current Status: OPENED TO ALL TRAFFIC AT 0430/12TH
Galveston pilots:
Draft Information:
For current draft information, please contact local Moran agent.
2023 Port Galveston Closures:
Please note that closure updates are prone to change, and will be updated upon notification of closures.
For Historical Port closure information please contact local Moran agent. Please see contact info above.